People have always been attracted to the unknown and mysteries of the universe. The space is still unexplored and full of secrets. People who love astronomy and astrology will surely appreciate stamps with illustrations of space. Space philately was pretty widespread in the USSR. There is a wide selection of post stamps with cosmos in our catalog. We have sets that are dedicated to the flight of Yuri Gagarin, stamps with images of famous cosmonauts (Alexei Leonov, Valentina Tereshkova, Vladimir Komarov, German Titov), rocket builders, rockets, space illustrations and much more. Post stamps Gagarin show us his portraits and illustrations of the flight. We have a series of stamps with Yuri Gagarin's cars. Not only philatelist will like post stamps with space, but also a person who likes to learn and collect new and interesting things. Sets from this series will be a great extraordinary gift. Price for set of stamps with cosmos may vary from 1000 to 2990 rubles. Thanks to such interesting and colorful stamps, you can also find out more about the history of astronomy, they will be interesting not only for adults but also for children.