Contrary to popular belief, nowadays, interest to philately - collecting post stamps – is not dead at all. True stamp lovers continue to collect post stamps, and the post stamps with airplanes are quite in demand. Stamps with airplanes, which look very realistic and colorful, are presented in our store. It’s up to you which one to choose, there are different options: 2 sheets of 6 blocks, 8 sheets, sharp or smooth, different subjects.
You have an opportunity to choose the most suitable set of post stamps with airplane images among 120 offered by us. Various stories, events, famous people, air transport is illustrated on post stamps. All this, of course, is closely connected with aviation, in particular, in the period of the Second World War. As an example, the post stamp "Russian Knight" is well-known and beloved by many philatelists, the quality and cost of which will pleasantly surprise you.
The price of post stamps with aviation is very encouraging. From 1 000 rubles per set, but you get not only a set of quality stamps, but also an illustrated history of your homeland. Nowadays it’s pretty hard to buy post stamps with aviation in Moscow, because you need to find not only beautiful, rare, but also in-demand stamp. But we have already done it for you, remains only to make an order.