People always have been interested in past of humankind. Even in ancient Greece Platon has mentioned archeology, considering it as antiquity. This historical science studies past of a mankind according to sources of material evidence. Such sources are jewelry, weapons, dishes, houses and other material benefits, which were created by a hand of man in ancient times. Archeological discoveries changed scientists’ perception of the view of the world at the time.
Great importance of contribution of this discipline into understanding of the history of mankind is reason why archeology is now found itself on post stamps. Nowadays philatelists (stamp collectors) can easily buy stamps with an illustration of archeology. Stamps with fossils are in a great demand. Often on such stamps we can see the illustrations of such historical artifacts as:
• Weapons (hammers, knives, sledge hammers, hack)
• Jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, combs)
• Housewares (plates, pots)
Also, architectural places of interest are often illustrated on stamps, for example, the Corinthian and Doric capitals, the Byzantine capital, the Ottoman relief, the relief of the Mamluks period, and others.
There are stamps with illustrations of Egypt for ancient civilizations lovers. Archeology of ancient Egypt is also a popular topic among collectors.
Post stamps of Egypt and other ancient constructions.