To make sure that post stamps will not be used twice, post workers need to cancel them. There are different ways of cancelling in the world, and in the Soviet Union there were several of them. Basically, to cancel the stamp, post workers have been using a round seal with the inscription of the USSR, the city, the index and a star with sickle and hammer. The seal occupied a quarter of the stamp. Obviously, there were seals of other forms and with different content. In the 1920s, stamps of letters with money orders or addresses to parcels were canceled with special punctures or tearing. Philately accepts cancelled stamps of the USSR. The exception is the smeared paint. On our website you can watch cancelled post stamps of the USSR without any fear. We don’t put stamps that have no value in the catalog. Usually, cancelled stamps are lower in price than the clear ones, but not always. There is also a special cancelling. It is made by a special seal and dedicated to the memorable date. Such stamps are created exclusively for collecting and have a
much higher price than the clear stamps. Especially valuable are the cancelled post stamps of the USSR, issued in small amount.